I am sorry,
When everything seems blurry,
Because I'm feeling trapped,
And the sky looks black.
I am sorry,
I feel distant and worried,
Would you give me another chance,
Is there a way back.
I am sorry,
I've made a lot of mistakes,
I am sorry
I want them all to be erased.
I am sorry
You love me I'll always know,
Without you I have no where to go.
I am sorry,
Even my friends tried to show me,
That you really care,
That to you I am so dear.
I am sorry,
I know you've heard my stories,
Please tell me where else I've been wrong,
'cause to you my heart belongs.
I am sorry,
I've made a lot of mistakes,
I am sorry
I want them all to be erased.
I am sorry
You love me I'll always know,
Without you I have no where to go.
In spite of everything I know you hear me.)
And you are always with me.
Forever, you will never leave me.)
I am sorry,
I've made a lot of mistakes,
I am sorry
I want them all to be erased.
Please forgive me,
You love me I'll always know,
Without you I have no where to go / come home.
When everything seems blurry,
Because I'm feeling trapped,
And the sky looks black.
I am sorry,
I feel distant and worried,
Would you give me another chance,
Is there a way back.
I am sorry,
I've made a lot of mistakes,
I am sorry
I want them all to be erased.
I am sorry
You love me I'll always know,
Without you I have no where to go.
I am sorry,
Even my friends tried to show me,
That you really care,
That to you I am so dear.
I am sorry,
I know you've heard my stories,
Please tell me where else I've been wrong,
'cause to you my heart belongs.
I am sorry,
I've made a lot of mistakes,
I am sorry
I want them all to be erased.
I am sorry
You love me I'll always know,
Without you I have no where to go.
In spite of everything I know you hear me.)
And you are always with me.
Forever, you will never leave me.)
I am sorry,
I've made a lot of mistakes,
I am sorry
I want them all to be erased.
Please forgive me,
You love me I'll always know,
Without you I have no where to go / come home.
עוד באתר:
עכשיו התחברתי... נתנאל לייפר על אלבומו החדש של אהרון רזאל ''מה עשית היום''
נתנאל לייפר על האלבום החדש והמעניין של אהרון רזאל "מה עשית היום"
מבית שמש באהבה...
איתן סיטון על אלבום הבכורה של להקת האברכים מבית שמש, השרים היפ-הופ. איך זה קשור גם לקהלים אחרים? תקראו ותבינו...
טויסיג חוזר
נ. צליל בביקורת על אלבומו החדש והמושקע של הזמר החסידי שלומי טויסיג מארה"ב
הזמיר שר נחמה ועידוד
נתנאל לייפר בביקורת על אלבומו החדש והמגוון מאד של נגן הסקסופון היוצר דניאל זמיר