Rachel knew her man was strong
Cutting chopping all day long
But he was turning forty he couldn’t read
He’d trim your tree make a dime
Married a woman so divine
And she’d be the one change history
Chase your dreams don’t wait for me
A man must face his destiny
And I can’t wait to see
Grab each letter as it comes
Word by word is how it’s done
Line by line it’ll work out fine
Greatest sage that ever lived
Had a tough time as a kid
You see he was turning forty he couldn’t read
They stood together like a poem
By the river near their home
Cuz what you see is meant to be
He saw soft water rocking stone
Maybe Torah reach my bones
And I change destiny
I’ll grab each letter as it comes
Word by word is how it’s done
Line by line it’ll work out fine
A winters day a summers night
Rachel sat by candlelight
She could wait forever graciously
Came back to town a little gray
A thousand students in his way
She was in the back so patiently
He held a crown for all to see
I can never teach what she taught me
And I learned bravery
I grabbed each letter as it comes
Word by word is how it’s done
Line by line it’ll work out fine
Chase your dreams don’t wait for me
A man must face his destiny
And I can’t wait to see
Grab each letter as it comes
Word by word is how it’s done
Line by line it’ll work out fine
Cutting chopping all day long
But he was turning forty he couldn’t read
He’d trim your tree make a dime
Married a woman so divine
And she’d be the one change history
Chase your dreams don’t wait for me
A man must face his destiny
And I can’t wait to see
Grab each letter as it comes
Word by word is how it’s done
Line by line it’ll work out fine
Greatest sage that ever lived
Had a tough time as a kid
You see he was turning forty he couldn’t read
They stood together like a poem
By the river near their home
Cuz what you see is meant to be
He saw soft water rocking stone
Maybe Torah reach my bones
And I change destiny
I’ll grab each letter as it comes
Word by word is how it’s done
Line by line it’ll work out fine
A winters day a summers night
Rachel sat by candlelight
She could wait forever graciously
Came back to town a little gray
A thousand students in his way
She was in the back so patiently
He held a crown for all to see
I can never teach what she taught me
And I learned bravery
I grabbed each letter as it comes
Word by word is how it’s done
Line by line it’ll work out fine
Chase your dreams don’t wait for me
A man must face his destiny
And I can’t wait to see
Grab each letter as it comes
Word by word is how it’s done
Line by line it’ll work out fine
עוד באתר:
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נתנאל לייפר על אלבומו השלישי של הזמר החסידי מיכאל פרוזנסקי
דרך כוכב בישראל
נתנאל לייפר על "הכוכב היהודי" ישראל עמר ואלבום הבכורה שלו "ביום ההוא"
קבעתי את מושבי
ביקורת מוסיקה על אלבומו החדש של הזמר והיוצר אהרן רזאל - "קבעתי את מושבי"
ששש... הקונצרט מתחיל!
כתבה מוסיקלית על אלבום הבכורה של הזמר בצלאל [צאלי] גאלד "אהבה רבה".
קריאה מהנה!