נפתלי כלפה וShyne - Bridges

מקור: לא צויין, לחן: נפתלי כלפה, ז'אנר: אלטרנטיבי.

נמצא באלבום: הפרויקט של נפתלי כלפה.

מיכלוש | יום שלישי ב' כסלו התשע"ד, 05-11-2013 בשעה 13:37צפיות: 2399.
נפתלי כלפה
נפתלי כלפה
מילות השיר:
This whole world, the whole wide world is just a narrow bridge.
The main stage we gotta face is in the world above,
The main stage we gotta face is in the world to come.
And the main thing is to have no fear,
And the main thing is to have no fear at all.

I am not afraid; I was made with a lion heart,
Feet planted on the floor, with my eye on G-d,
I was born, to overcome challenges,
I do the work, but G-d is the catalyst.

In every single generation, they try to wipe us out,
Standing up, attempting to bring our end about.
And the sacred one above, protects us with his mighty love,
And the blessed one above saves us from their hands.

I am not afraid; I was made from another cloth,
Just say my prayers, keep my faith and my trust in G-d
We busting off, at the Taliban and Iran
Above the law, in that caravan panaram
We the raw, praises to the lord
Raise my glass to the ceiling and we ready for the war
Ready for the Ohr , cause Messiah about to come
Lion from the slums, lion and the cub
Roaring king of Judah, Shyne is the one
Kohelet is the Melech, and we high above the sun
Dovid is beloved, and I am just the son
Tell me who gonna stop me, I've just begun

I am so courageous I could face anything
G-d took me out of nothing and gave me everything
Shyne going hard, till the day they bury him
Son of Judah and G-d is the ruler.

I am not afraid, not afraid at all,
I am not afraid, not afraid at all.

I am not afraid; I was made from the temple ashes,
From the darkness come light, so where the matches,
Prepare for the world to come,
This the practice, never defeated, I was made from eternal fabric

I am not afraid; I am here to take it all or none,
The only thing I ever fear, is the G-d above,
King David, I am here to play the harp and drum,
On the battlefield, until Messiah come.

I am not afraid, not afraid at all,
I am not afraid, not afraid at all
הערות על השיר:
מילוים: נפתלי כלפה & Shyne
הפקה ועיבוד: יוסי פיאמנטה
גיטרה: יוסי פיאמנטה
תופים: עופר בניטה
בס: אלעד כהן
קלידים: אחיה אשר.

עוד באתר:

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