waking every morning i'm awed to see the way
everything you've made comes together
opening my eyes to miracles each day
it helps to know your guiding light is here to stay.
and as I'm rising slowly I gather strength and say
I am not alone - you are with
and one day at a time
as I try to find my way
I"ll reach for you and feel you near me as l pray.
give me strength to grow and see
who am l - who l need to be
and with you by my side
l have nothing to hide
if l can come to you honestly
and when it's all too much for me
l'll hold on tight and you'll carry me
just one day at a time
l'll look to you and l'll find
all aolng you believed in me
so many beginings - so many yimes we fall
each and everything is a chance to groww
but only when i search for the meaning in my day
l feel you close, l sense your wisdom and i know
that every test and challenge is only but a gift
a chance to seek you out and to find you
to try and see things clearly to give my soul a lift
to feel your strength to see your light come shining through.
everything you've made comes together
opening my eyes to miracles each day
it helps to know your guiding light is here to stay.
and as I'm rising slowly I gather strength and say
I am not alone - you are with
and one day at a time
as I try to find my way
I"ll reach for you and feel you near me as l pray.
give me strength to grow and see
who am l - who l need to be
and with you by my side
l have nothing to hide
if l can come to you honestly
and when it's all too much for me
l'll hold on tight and you'll carry me
just one day at a time
l'll look to you and l'll find
all aolng you believed in me
so many beginings - so many yimes we fall
each and everything is a chance to groww
but only when i search for the meaning in my day
l feel you close, l sense your wisdom and i know
that every test and challenge is only but a gift
a chance to seek you out and to find you
to try and see things clearly to give my soul a lift
to feel your strength to see your light come shining through.
עוד באתר:
ממש לא רק לספירה...נתנאל לייפר על PLATINUM של A.K.A.PELLA
נתנאל לייפר מוקסם מהאלבום של A.K.A.PELLA ההרכב הווקאלי המושלם מארה"ב ומתעצבן קלות על יחסי הציבור של הלהקה
יונתן רזאל חוזר מבין הצלילים
סקירה מקיפה על אלבומו החדש והמרתק של הזמר והיוצר יונתן רזאל "בין הצלילים"
דרך נעימה לשורשים.
נתנאל לייפר על אלבומו המשובח של עמית טרבולסי "דרך שורשים"
רחוב סומסום פינת רבי עקיבא..
אבי אברהם מוצא את עצמו מקבל הצעות חברות מ-"שפיץ, שטיקי ורוגלה" ב-"חברים של נתי"..