It's Friday night, peace descends
Shalom Aleichem, their voices blend
As young and old sing in harmony
To watch their faces in the candles' glow
The child, his sweet voice does flow
Mingling with his Zeide's in melody
And Zeide smiles, filled with pride
His great grandson at his side
One can see the fire within his eyes
It's the spark of all those who have survived
To build their lives
With memories of six million left behind
It's generations and generations
Links in a lasting chain
Klal Yisroel growing stronger
Rebuilding again and again and again
Footsteps of our great past
Our guide through the sorrows and pain
G-d will not forsake us
Our hopes and our dreams will always remain
Suddenly amidst the joy
He gazes at the little boy
There's a flash of sadness, pain so raw
He tells them of a world gone by
As he heaves a heavy sigh
Remembering a time that is no more
The child runs for an embrace
The tears roll down his little face
"Oh Zeide, won't you please explain to me
Why do people kill and hate?
How can they annihilate?"
His dark eyes look up so earnestly
It's generations and generations
Links in a lasting chain
Klal Yisroel growing stronger
Rebuilding again and again and again
"My child, there is G-d above
Who watches over us with love
At times it may seem so hard to understand
When darkness falls, when we feel lost
We know where we must place our trust
Remember that there is a Master Plan"
It's generations and generations
Links in a lasting chain
Klal Yisroel growing stronger
Our hopes and dreams will always remain
Shalom Aleichem, their voices blend
As young and old sing in harmony
To watch their faces in the candles' glow
The child, his sweet voice does flow
Mingling with his Zeide's in melody
And Zeide smiles, filled with pride
His great grandson at his side
One can see the fire within his eyes
It's the spark of all those who have survived
To build their lives
With memories of six million left behind
It's generations and generations
Links in a lasting chain
Klal Yisroel growing stronger
Rebuilding again and again and again
Footsteps of our great past
Our guide through the sorrows and pain
G-d will not forsake us
Our hopes and our dreams will always remain
Suddenly amidst the joy
He gazes at the little boy
There's a flash of sadness, pain so raw
He tells them of a world gone by
As he heaves a heavy sigh
Remembering a time that is no more
The child runs for an embrace
The tears roll down his little face
"Oh Zeide, won't you please explain to me
Why do people kill and hate?
How can they annihilate?"
His dark eyes look up so earnestly
It's generations and generations
Links in a lasting chain
Klal Yisroel growing stronger
Rebuilding again and again and again
"My child, there is G-d above
Who watches over us with love
At times it may seem so hard to understand
When darkness falls, when we feel lost
We know where we must place our trust
Remember that there is a Master Plan"
It's generations and generations
Links in a lasting chain
Klal Yisroel growing stronger
Our hopes and dreams will always remain
עוד באתר:
לבי במזרח ואנוכי בקצה קצה קצה קצה מערב...
נתנאל לייפר בביקורת על אלבומו המזרחי של יעקב שוואקי "לבי במזרח" מצפה ומחכה שיעקב באמת ישוב למקורות .. לשירה החסידית.
חוזר אחורה בצו השעה
נתנאל לייפר חוזר אל אלבומו השני והמיוחד של אומן הרוק היהודי גבריאל חסון "צו השעה" וחושב שמדובר באלבום חובה לכל אוהבי הרוק והמוסיקה היהודית המקורית
מלא כל טוב
נתנאל לייפר בביקורת על "מלא עולם" אלבום הסולו השני של הזמר והיוצר שלמה כ"ץ. קריאה מהנה!
שירין ויותר מידי רחשין...
נתנאל לייפר בביקורת על אלבומו הרביעי של אחד מותיקי המוסיקה היהודית המקורית הזמר יצחק פוקס "שירין ורחשין" מצד אחד הוא נהנה מהשירים אך חושב שהסאונד דרוש שיפור באופן דחוף...