Nagila Haliluya, Nagila
Ba Z›man, ba z›man, ba z›man... hageula
(We will sing, praise G-d, we will sing. The time of redemption is coming.)
El Shadai Eli, Eli, Kabeitz Nidchei Yedidai x2
(El Shadai my God gather the dispersed of my beloved)
V›Garech m›sanai x2
(And send out those that hate me)
Nafshi bahem gaala... Nagila
(Thustly my soul will be redeemed)
Nagila Haliluya, Nagila
Ba Z›man, ba z›man, ba z›man... hageula
(Live freestyle)
Crossed the sands of time, its answer time.
Find your mind, yo, and re-align.
We got the heaven in sight, with the heavenly plight.
We gonna bring it down right and the remedy›s right on.
Caught in sight the center of line, got to tein tein (give, give) with the center of mind.
I›m moving clues. Get you black and blue from all the things we›ve been through.
Come through and 1, 2 check!
Ushlach lahem zteer neeman. x2
Unsader shir t›hilla... Nagila
Nagila Haliluya, Nagila
Ba Z›man, ba z›man, ba z›man... hageula
Rachaman, Rachaman, Rachaman, chus al am lo alman. x2
(Compassionate One have pity on Your widowed nation)
Ushlach lahem zteer neeman. x2
(And send to them a true prophet)
Unsader shir t›hilla... Nagila
(And we will arrange a song of praise)
Nagila Haliluya, Nagila
Ba Z›man, ba z›man, ba z›man... hageula
Ba Z›man, ba z›man, ba z›man... hageula
(We will sing, praise G-d, we will sing. The time of redemption is coming.)
El Shadai Eli, Eli, Kabeitz Nidchei Yedidai x2
(El Shadai my God gather the dispersed of my beloved)
V›Garech m›sanai x2
(And send out those that hate me)
Nafshi bahem gaala... Nagila
(Thustly my soul will be redeemed)
Nagila Haliluya, Nagila
Ba Z›man, ba z›man, ba z›man... hageula
(Live freestyle)
Crossed the sands of time, its answer time.
Find your mind, yo, and re-align.
We got the heaven in sight, with the heavenly plight.
We gonna bring it down right and the remedy›s right on.
Caught in sight the center of line, got to tein tein (give, give) with the center of mind.
I›m moving clues. Get you black and blue from all the things we›ve been through.
Come through and 1, 2 check!
Ushlach lahem zteer neeman. x2
Unsader shir t›hilla... Nagila
Nagila Haliluya, Nagila
Ba Z›man, ba z›man, ba z›man... hageula
Rachaman, Rachaman, Rachaman, chus al am lo alman. x2
(Compassionate One have pity on Your widowed nation)
Ushlach lahem zteer neeman. x2
(And send to them a true prophet)
Unsader shir t›hilla... Nagila
(And we will arrange a song of praise)
Nagila Haliluya, Nagila
Ba Z›man, ba z›man, ba z›man... hageula
עוד באתר:
פסח כבר פה...
נתנאל לייפר בביקורת על אלבום החג החדש של אומן הקלרינט חיליק פרנק "פסח בירושלים"
הלב והמעיין יוצאים בשיר קסום
סיקור על האלבום החדש והאיכותי של להקת "הלב והמעיין" - "יוצאין בשיר" המוקדש לניגוני חב"ד
אלבומי המופת-כוכבי אור, אברהם אבוטבול
נתנאל לייפר בסדרת אלבומי המופת של המוסיקה היהודית המקורית והפעם אלבום הרוק המופתי של אברהם אבוטבול "כוכבי אור" . כתבה ראשונה בסדרה
הזמן לכשרוניים "להתגלות"
מבקר המוזיקה איתי סיטבון בטור מיוחד על אלבומם המשותף של הזמר נמואל הרוש והמוזיקאי דני אבידני - "התגלות".