Kel Adon al kol hamaasim, baruch umivorach b›fi kol nishamah, gadlo v›tuvo maalei olam daat ugvura sovivim hodo. Hamitgaeh al chayot hakodesh v›neder b›chavod al hamerkava. Zchut umishor lifnei chiso, chesed v›rachamim malei chivodo.
(G-d, the Master over all workings. Blessed One who is blessed by the mouth of every soul. His greatness and goodness fill the world. Knowledge and insight surround Him. The One who is exalted over the holy Angels, and is splendorous in glory above the heavenly Chariot. Merit and supplication are before his throne, kindness and mercy pre-cede his honor.)
I got that one Lord on high with flawless ride.
Always on my side and I’m on his vibe.
You can check like x marks the spot.
Rectangled, shortened, shape that creates the box.
Hot knocks that pop, lains brain waves with vox.
Bring the sane to the insanely off.
Bleach the stain start right from all over again.
Getting sober my friend from intoxicating actions.
I see you’re owned by your passions. Chain reaction...
Break free, take seeds to grow. Seeds of know.
Cease and be free you go deep beyond your chitzoni (exterior) pose.
Kel Adon al kol hamaasim, baruch umivorach b›fi kol nishamah, gadlo v›tuvo maalei olam daat ugvura sovivim hodo. Hamitgaeh al chayot hakodesh v›neder b›chavod al hamerkava. Zchut umishor lifnei chiso, chesed v›rachamim malei chivodo.
Precious power and the presence, bless the effervescent.
Par exellance beyond. Alfa and omegatron.
Higher tech the silicon valley. From Tzion (Zion) to back alley.
Keeping tally... Infallible.
So sound the bull or ram›s horn around the world.
So we can make it known and you can take me home, never been forsaken by my Kel Adon.
As we sail for song hot on the trail of dawn, took my pail to pond and it turned into sea.
Then a bottomless pit abyss eternally deep.
Certainly seems its advertently linked.
Kel Adon al kol hamaasim, baruch umivorach b›fi kol nishamah, gadlo v›tuvo maalei olam daat ugvura sovivim hodo. Hamitgaeh al chayot hakodesh v›neder b›chavod al hamerkava. Zchut umishor lifnei chiso, chesed v›rachamim malei chivodo.
(G-d, the Master over all workings. Blessed One who is blessed by the mouth of every soul. His greatness and goodness fill the world. Knowledge and insight surround Him. The One who is exalted over the holy Angels, and is splendorous in glory above the heavenly Chariot. Merit and supplication are before his throne, kindness and mercy pre-cede his honor.)
I got that one Lord on high with flawless ride.
Always on my side and I’m on his vibe.
You can check like x marks the spot.
Rectangled, shortened, shape that creates the box.
Hot knocks that pop, lains brain waves with vox.
Bring the sane to the insanely off.
Bleach the stain start right from all over again.
Getting sober my friend from intoxicating actions.
I see you’re owned by your passions. Chain reaction...
Break free, take seeds to grow. Seeds of know.
Cease and be free you go deep beyond your chitzoni (exterior) pose.
Kel Adon al kol hamaasim, baruch umivorach b›fi kol nishamah, gadlo v›tuvo maalei olam daat ugvura sovivim hodo. Hamitgaeh al chayot hakodesh v›neder b›chavod al hamerkava. Zchut umishor lifnei chiso, chesed v›rachamim malei chivodo.
Precious power and the presence, bless the effervescent.
Par exellance beyond. Alfa and omegatron.
Higher tech the silicon valley. From Tzion (Zion) to back alley.
Keeping tally... Infallible.
So sound the bull or ram›s horn around the world.
So we can make it known and you can take me home, never been forsaken by my Kel Adon.
As we sail for song hot on the trail of dawn, took my pail to pond and it turned into sea.
Then a bottomless pit abyss eternally deep.
Certainly seems its advertently linked.
Kel Adon al kol hamaasim, baruch umivorach b›fi kol nishamah, gadlo v›tuvo maalei olam daat ugvura sovivim hodo. Hamitgaeh al chayot hakodesh v›neder b›chavod al hamerkava. Zchut umishor lifnei chiso, chesed v›rachamim malei chivodo.
עוד באתר:
יש חדש בהחלט...נתנאל לייפר על "יש חדש" של six 13
נתנאל לייפר על "יש חדש" האלבום השלישי והמומלץ של להקת הווקאל המשובחת six 13
לא פתור...
נתנאל לייפר על אלבום הבכורה המסקרן של איתו קלינמן "עומד להשתנות"
מלא כל טוב
נתנאל לייפר בביקורת על "מלא עולם" אלבום הסולו השני של הזמר והיוצר שלמה כ"ץ. קריאה מהנה!
גם אצל דוד גבאי - "הכל לטובה"..
מבקר המוזיקה איתי סיטבון בטור נוסף והפעם על אלבומו האחרון של דוד גבאי - "הכל לטובה".