The power of a niggun,
The strength of a song
Brings us all together, gives us comfort,
Makes us strong.
So open your neshamah,
Let the niggun make you whole
And be touched by a niggun;
Let the music soothe your soul.
Chased by their masters,
A nation gripped with fear -
A terrified young people
Face a daunting new frontier.
The sea parts before them,
A miraculous display -
They lift their voice to Heaven,
Shiras haYam they pray.
The power of a niggun,
The strength of a song
Brings us all together, gives us comfort,
Makes us strong.
So open your neshamah,
Let the niggun make you whole
And be touched by a niggun;
Let the music soothe your soul.
Longing for a child,
Her lips move silently-
She cries with heartfelt fervor,
Hashem, please hear my plea!
Behold a son, a prophet!
She knits a cloak with love -
And Chana writes her shira
To thank the One Above.
The power of a niggun,
The strength of a song
Brings us all together, gives us comfort,
Makes us strong.
So open your neshamah,
Let the niggun make you whole
And be touched by a niggun;
Let the music soothe your soul.
A baby born with illness,
His father asks not why -
He fasts in desperation,
Oh please don't let him die!
Faced with a nisayon,
A test of his belief -
Lamnetzeach al mus la'bein,
Dovid's mizmor for his grief.
The power of a niggun,
The strength of a song
Helps to bring us closer,
Gives us comfort, makes us strong.
So open your neshamah,
Let the niggun make you whole -
And be touched by a niggun;
It's the language of your soul.
Learning by a shtender,
He softly hums a tune -
Its timbre and its melody,
The sweet sounds fill the room.
The heartbeat of our people,
The rhythm of our nation -
Its the Shirah of the Torah,
Our pulse our inspiration.
The power of a niggun,
The strength of a song
Helps to bring us closer,
Gives us comfort, makes us strong.
So open your neshamah,
Let the niggun make you whole -
And be touched by a niggun;
It's the language of your soul.
Throughout our People's journey,
The niggun touched our soul.
It's lifted us, brought us joy;
When needed, it consoles.
So open your neshamah,
Let the niggun make you whole -
And be touched by a niggun;
Let the music soothe your soul
The power of a niggun,
The strength of a song
Brings us all together,
Gives us comfort,
Makes us strong.
So open your neshamah,
Let the niggun make you whole
And be touched by a niggun;
Let the music soothe your soul
The strength of a song
Brings us all together, gives us comfort,
Makes us strong.
So open your neshamah,
Let the niggun make you whole
And be touched by a niggun;
Let the music soothe your soul.
Chased by their masters,
A nation gripped with fear -
A terrified young people
Face a daunting new frontier.
The sea parts before them,
A miraculous display -
They lift their voice to Heaven,
Shiras haYam they pray.
The power of a niggun,
The strength of a song
Brings us all together, gives us comfort,
Makes us strong.
So open your neshamah,
Let the niggun make you whole
And be touched by a niggun;
Let the music soothe your soul.
Longing for a child,
Her lips move silently-
She cries with heartfelt fervor,
Hashem, please hear my plea!
Behold a son, a prophet!
She knits a cloak with love -
And Chana writes her shira
To thank the One Above.
The power of a niggun,
The strength of a song
Brings us all together, gives us comfort,
Makes us strong.
So open your neshamah,
Let the niggun make you whole
And be touched by a niggun;
Let the music soothe your soul.
A baby born with illness,
His father asks not why -
He fasts in desperation,
Oh please don't let him die!
Faced with a nisayon,
A test of his belief -
Lamnetzeach al mus la'bein,
Dovid's mizmor for his grief.
The power of a niggun,
The strength of a song
Helps to bring us closer,
Gives us comfort, makes us strong.
So open your neshamah,
Let the niggun make you whole -
And be touched by a niggun;
It's the language of your soul.
Learning by a shtender,
He softly hums a tune -
Its timbre and its melody,
The sweet sounds fill the room.
The heartbeat of our people,
The rhythm of our nation -
Its the Shirah of the Torah,
Our pulse our inspiration.
The power of a niggun,
The strength of a song
Helps to bring us closer,
Gives us comfort, makes us strong.
So open your neshamah,
Let the niggun make you whole -
And be touched by a niggun;
It's the language of your soul.
Throughout our People's journey,
The niggun touched our soul.
It's lifted us, brought us joy;
When needed, it consoles.
So open your neshamah,
Let the niggun make you whole -
And be touched by a niggun;
Let the music soothe your soul
The power of a niggun,
The strength of a song
Brings us all together,
Gives us comfort,
Makes us strong.
So open your neshamah,
Let the niggun make you whole
And be touched by a niggun;
Let the music soothe your soul
עוד באתר:
בית הקדושה- סדרת אלבומי המופת נתנאל לייפר כתבה מספר 7
סדרת אלבומי המופת כתבה מספר 7 והפעם נתנאל לייפר מדבר על אלבומם המופלא של צמד "בית הקדושה"
המיטב של מידד טסה באלבום החתונה.
לפני כחודשיים וחצי נכנס לחופה בשעטו"מ הזמר מידד טסה, כשמיד לאחר מכן הוציא אלבום מיוחד לכבוד כך.
מבקר המוזיקה מאיר טרבלסי האזין וחזר עם ביקורת אלבום נוספת - "אלבום החתונה - המיטב החסידי".
אלבומי המופת-זמן הגאולה אהרון רזאל
נתנאל לייפר בסדרת הכתבות אלבומי המופת של המוסיקה היהודית המקורית והפעם על אלבומו המעולה של אהרון רזאל "זמן הגאולה"
מרשם לשלווה מוסיקלית
נתנאל לייפר נרגע עם אלבום הבכורה של הזמר יצחק בינשטוק "את פניך אבקש"