jack grew up in new york city // on the plaza with a view // his parents were screaming harvard // but he was just looking for you. // he came by for a
shabbos we stayed up way past two // we spoke about a life of meaning // because he was just looking for you. // we’re not looking for your heaven’s doors
not looking for your mirrored walls // not looking to pull any strings // we’re just looking for you. // tatenyu. // jacks now yakov halevi // and our friendship
really grew // he’s got a nice place in the old city // where he’s just looking for you. // still a big fan of the yankees // and a harvard alumni too // but his
grand-kids are keeping shabbos and singing this song about you. // we’re not looking for your heaven’s doors // not looking for your mirrored walls // not
looking to pull any strings // we’re just looking for you. // tatenyu.
shabbos we stayed up way past two // we spoke about a life of meaning // because he was just looking for you. // we’re not looking for your heaven’s doors
not looking for your mirrored walls // not looking to pull any strings // we’re just looking for you. // tatenyu. // jacks now yakov halevi // and our friendship
really grew // he’s got a nice place in the old city // where he’s just looking for you. // still a big fan of the yankees // and a harvard alumni too // but his
grand-kids are keeping shabbos and singing this song about you. // we’re not looking for your heaven’s doors // not looking for your mirrored walls // not
looking to pull any strings // we’re just looking for you. // tatenyu.
עוד באתר:
שמחה גם בליבי
נתנאל לייפר בביקורת על אלבום הבכורה הנעים של הזמר ישראלי אמריקאי "שמחה בליבי" אלבום קצר מאד אך בהחלט שווה האזנה
אוסף ניצוצות ישן אבל חדשני ...
נתנאל לייפר על אלבומו של היוצר ונגן כלי ההקשה יצחק אטיאס "אוסף ניצוצות" ש25 שנה לא מורגשים עליו כלל...
מבית שמש באהבה...
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א ביסלע ביטעאלס
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