מילות השיר:
There's a feeling I can't ignore
It's a feeling I've felt before
And I know I've sung this a thousand times
But I can't seem to get this off of my mind
No matter how hard I try
I throw my hands up towards the sky and I
I think I now know why I feel like I can...
Now I know I can be all that I am
Cause I'm with you
Now I know I can be all that I am
Cause I'm with you, I'll fly with you
From a place down below I gotta
Climb high to reach my goal I wanna
Fight past break down the walls
That are holding me back
I know it's not going to be
Easy or unachievable to find it's not unbelievable that I found...
גם כי אלך בגיא צלמוות לא אירא רע כי אתה עימדי
As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I fear no evil because you are with me
יעקב חסד - Now I Know
מקור: ג'ק פולנסקי, לחן: ג'ק פולנסקי, ז'אנר: קצבי.
נמצא באלבום: The Passage.
KokoEilat | יום ראשון י"א שבט התשע"א, 16-01-2011 בשעה 09:37צפיות: 5221.
יעקב חסד
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ליהודי תמיד יש תקווה
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