i'm so proud its true
ive never felt this close to you
you are my strength you pull me through
yes every time you do
hakadosh boruch hu
the gifts in life are all from you
marty k the big producer
his thick cigar the party boozer
forever famous full of power
it seemed as though with every hour
all his wealth fame and glory just grew
still he didnt feel successful
although enjoying life and playing
his neshama always saying
remember moishe you are a jew
one day a friendly yid just met him
clearing all his doubts he led him
bringing him back to where
he really did belong
now moishe is returning there
singing his song
ive never felt this close to you
you are my strength you pull me through
yes every time you do
hakadosh boruch hu
the gifts in life are all from you
marty k the big producer
his thick cigar the party boozer
forever famous full of power
it seemed as though with every hour
all his wealth fame and glory just grew
still he didnt feel successful
although enjoying life and playing
his neshama always saying
remember moishe you are a jew
one day a friendly yid just met him
clearing all his doubts he led him
bringing him back to where
he really did belong
now moishe is returning there
singing his song
עוד באתר:
יונתן רזאל חוזר מבין הצלילים
סקירה מקיפה על אלבומו החדש והמרתק של הזמר והיוצר יונתן רזאל "בין הצלילים"
נקודה ליפאית
איתי סיטבון בטור ביקורת מוסיקה על האלבום החדש של ליפא שמעלצר - "הנקודה היהודית". קריאה מהנה!
תהילה למזרח
עם פתיחת עונת הבקשות והחורף הבעל"ט החלטנו להאיר על יוזמה מבורכת המשתמשת בכוחה של המוסיקה שהשפעתה העצומה על הנפש ידועה. מכון תהילה למזרח של הרב שמעון כהן ביוזמה מבורכת למען הנוער וחובבי המוסיקה
אירועי הקיץ לציבור הדתי והחרדי באשקלון והסביבה...