I’ll tell a tale
Of Maccabees in Israel
When the Greeks tried to assail
But it was all to no avail
The war went on and on and on
Until the mighty Greeks were gone
I flip my latkes in the air sometimes sayin ayy ohh spin the dreidel
Just wanna celebrate for all eight nights singin ayy oh, light the candles
We say al hanissim
Oh yea for all eight nights
Then we play dreidel
By the candlelight
And I told you once
Now I told you twice
Bout the miracle
Of the candlelight
They took the field
The rivals thought “are they for real?”
But those macabees they’d never yield
They charged ahead with sword and shield
The war went on and on and on
Until the mighty Greeks were gone
I flip my latkes in the air sometimes sayin ayy ohh spin the dreidel
Just wanna celebrate for all eight nights singin ayy oh, light the candles
We say maoz tzur
Oh yea for all eight nights
Then we play dreidel
By the candlelight
And I told you once
Now I told you twice
Bout the miracle
Of the candlelight
And the great menorah
For eight days it kept on burning
What a celebration
A great return to Torah learning
Cuz I can feel it
And Ay-ay-ay
Nes gadol, nes gadol
Nes gadol hayah sham
I flip my latkes in the air sometimes sayin ayy ohh spin the dreidel
Just wanna celebrate for all eight nights singin ayy oh, light the candles
We say al hanissim
Oh yea for all eight nights
Then we play dreidel
By the candlelight
And I told you once
Now I told you twice
Bout the miracle
Of the candlelight
Of Maccabees in Israel
When the Greeks tried to assail
But it was all to no avail
The war went on and on and on
Until the mighty Greeks were gone
I flip my latkes in the air sometimes sayin ayy ohh spin the dreidel
Just wanna celebrate for all eight nights singin ayy oh, light the candles
We say al hanissim
Oh yea for all eight nights
Then we play dreidel
By the candlelight
And I told you once
Now I told you twice
Bout the miracle
Of the candlelight
They took the field
The rivals thought “are they for real?”
But those macabees they’d never yield
They charged ahead with sword and shield
The war went on and on and on
Until the mighty Greeks were gone
I flip my latkes in the air sometimes sayin ayy ohh spin the dreidel
Just wanna celebrate for all eight nights singin ayy oh, light the candles
We say maoz tzur
Oh yea for all eight nights
Then we play dreidel
By the candlelight
And I told you once
Now I told you twice
Bout the miracle
Of the candlelight
And the great menorah
For eight days it kept on burning
What a celebration
A great return to Torah learning
Cuz I can feel it
And Ay-ay-ay
Nes gadol, nes gadol
Nes gadol hayah sham
I flip my latkes in the air sometimes sayin ayy ohh spin the dreidel
Just wanna celebrate for all eight nights singin ayy oh, light the candles
We say al hanissim
Oh yea for all eight nights
Then we play dreidel
By the candlelight
And I told you once
Now I told you twice
Bout the miracle
Of the candlelight
עוד באתר:
האלבום שעבר את כל מבחני הקבלה...
בתחילת השנה הוציא הזמר ישראל ורדיגר את אלבומו הרביעי בשם "אברכה".
לפניכם טור מהמבקר איתי סיטבון עם רשמים מתוך האלבום החדש.
קריאה מהנה!
פסיפס מושלם
נתנאל לייפר בביקורת שטופת נוסטלגיה על אלבומו של מיקי רוזנבאום "פסיפס". גם רגוע גם מאתגר הייתכן??
טויסיג חוזר
נ. צליל בביקורת על אלבומו החדש והמושקע של הזמר החסידי שלומי טויסיג מארה"ב
הנה מה טוב ומה נעים ''שבט אחים''
ביקורת מוסיקה על אלבומם החדש של הרכב המוסיקה היהודית האינסטרומנטלי המצוין "שבת אחים" שמארח את נגן הקלרינט חיליק פרנק