Don’t hide from me, though I know that you are truly there everywhere,
Still and all I cannot see you, don’t hide from me,
It’s been so long since last time I saw your smile.
Don’t hide from me, where’s the promise you will take my hand, understand,
My life is not complete without you, don’t hide from me,
I need to see you more than ever now.
2000 years, is a million years to long,
To search for the light, that I have never known,
Show me your face; I need your embrace,
Wont you please come out of your hiding place,
Take me on your wing; teach me how to sing,
The once of the world wants to hear, oh father dear
Don’t hide from me, its seems your hiding more and more each day, why I pray,
I keep looking, you keep hiding, I feel so lone,
I’m calling to you father please come home.
Chorus: 2000 years….
Who would believe, worlds of darkness, finally have come down all around,
But the world can stand between us, we don’t want to fall,
To meet the final secret to it all.
Don’t hide from me, is my one and only plea,
Father cant you see, I’m calling desperately.
Show me your face, how I need your embrace,
Wont you please come out of your hiding place.
Take me on your wing, teach me how to sing
The once of the world wants to hear, oh
Don’t hide from me, though I now that you are truly there, everywhere.
Still and all I cannot see you, don’t hide from me,
I need to see you more than ever now.
Don’t hide from me; I need to see you more than ever now,
I need to see you more than ever now
Still and all I cannot see you, don’t hide from me,
It’s been so long since last time I saw your smile.
Don’t hide from me, where’s the promise you will take my hand, understand,
My life is not complete without you, don’t hide from me,
I need to see you more than ever now.
2000 years, is a million years to long,
To search for the light, that I have never known,
Show me your face; I need your embrace,
Wont you please come out of your hiding place,
Take me on your wing; teach me how to sing,
The once of the world wants to hear, oh father dear
Don’t hide from me, its seems your hiding more and more each day, why I pray,
I keep looking, you keep hiding, I feel so lone,
I’m calling to you father please come home.
Chorus: 2000 years….
Who would believe, worlds of darkness, finally have come down all around,
But the world can stand between us, we don’t want to fall,
To meet the final secret to it all.
Don’t hide from me, is my one and only plea,
Father cant you see, I’m calling desperately.
Show me your face, how I need your embrace,
Wont you please come out of your hiding place.
Take me on your wing, teach me how to sing
The once of the world wants to hear, oh
Don’t hide from me, though I now that you are truly there, everywhere.
Still and all I cannot see you, don’t hide from me,
I need to see you more than ever now.
Don’t hide from me; I need to see you more than ever now,
I need to see you more than ever now
עוד באתר:
יונתן רזאל חוזר מבין הצלילים
סקירה מקיפה על אלבומו החדש והמרתק של הזמר והיוצר יונתן רזאל "בין הצלילים"
אין כמו לדבר תכל'ס...
נתנאל לייפר בביקורת על אלבומו החדש והמסקרן של יהודה דים "תכל'ס".
וחושב שבתכל'ס.. זהו אלבום מושקע ומעניין שבהחלט שווה האזנה מומלץ יחד עם חוברת המילים.
לא רק leap of shtik
נתנאל לייפר בביקורת על האלבום החדש של הזמר ליפא שמלצער, הוא נהנה מהרמה הגבוהה של ההפקה ומהשירה המשתפרת מאד של ליפא, בואו לקרוא מה הוא היה מצנזר...
לקרוא, לרקוד ולקבל 'אורות'...
החזן והגראמער יוסלה קלצקין בכתבה מיוחדת על אלבומו האחרון של הזמר והגראמער ישראל אדלר - "אורות". קריאה מהנה!