many years alone in his cell
awaiting redemption so faithfully
a prisoner of conscience serving in hell
yearning for home, his destiny
his commitment to heaven's been made
thats how he kept his sanity
his religion never will fade
counting each day so anxiously
he fought for his rights never did bend
his goals reviving energy
his reward did come at the end
rejoice in his land in ecstasy
(chorus) yossi survived he's free now
pleading to you and me now
always have in mind our brothers left behind
trapped in the iron curtain
leading in demonstrations, firing inspiration
thousands shouting no! let my people go!
enough of your bluff and your hurtin'
he left behind a firm gaurantee
alarming the world of the urgency
it's not a crime to wanna be free
to live in the world of democracy
nudel, sharansky, and so many more
they need our support and our support and our pressuring
and so we plead like never before
to free them from hell and suffering
the message is strong so loud and clear
why don't they surrender with dignity
we won't leave a single soul there
so wake up and face reality
awaiting redemption so faithfully
a prisoner of conscience serving in hell
yearning for home, his destiny
his commitment to heaven's been made
thats how he kept his sanity
his religion never will fade
counting each day so anxiously
he fought for his rights never did bend
his goals reviving energy
his reward did come at the end
rejoice in his land in ecstasy
(chorus) yossi survived he's free now
pleading to you and me now
always have in mind our brothers left behind
trapped in the iron curtain
leading in demonstrations, firing inspiration
thousands shouting no! let my people go!
enough of your bluff and your hurtin'
he left behind a firm gaurantee
alarming the world of the urgency
it's not a crime to wanna be free
to live in the world of democracy
nudel, sharansky, and so many more
they need our support and our support and our pressuring
and so we plead like never before
to free them from hell and suffering
the message is strong so loud and clear
why don't they surrender with dignity
we won't leave a single soul there
so wake up and face reality
עוד באתר:
אלבומי המופת כתבה שישית-נתנאל לייפר על "בפתח הדלת" של המדרגות
כתבה שישית בסדרת אלבומי המופת של המוסיקה היהודית המקורית והפעם נתנאל לייפר מתמוגג מאלבומם הראשון של להקת המדרגות "בפתח הדלת"
לא פתור...
נתנאל לייפר על אלבום הבכורה המסקרן של איתו קלינמן "עומד להשתנות"
אירועי הקיץ לציבור הדתי והחרדי באשקלון והסביבה...
יעלה אלישבע מארחת בהיכל הניגון
נתנאל לייפר בביקורת על אלבומה המיוחד של היוצרת יעלה אלישבע "היכל הניגון" שיצא מחדש ומושר על ידי מיטב הזמרים של המוסיקה היהודית