There are among us those with hidden fears
Who whisper heartfelt prayers we will never hear
We are not witness to a private pain
That no words can convey no language can explain
No we cannot understand
Our hearts can't feel our minds can't comprehend
Only stirred to show respect
For the purest form of faith they possess
They still see sunshine in the rain
Plant a seed on parched terrain
For they trust in heart & mind that no tear is shed in vain
And beyond the stormy skies
Is a hope that never dies
What of you and I?
Can we achieve the same
There are among us those with enpty arms
Who long to fill the void with the wondrous charms
Of a child, a life to have and hold
To love and cherish dear to watch its' world unfold
No we cannot understand
Our hearts can't feel our minds can't comprehend
Only stirred to show respect
For the purest form of faith they possess
They still see sunshine in the rain
Plant a seed on parched terrain
For they trust in heart & mind that no tear is shed in vain
And beyond the stormy skies
Is a hope that never dies
What of you and I?
Can we achieve the same
Every person has to whether his or her own storm
No one is spared though it can take on many forms
Yet do we recognize it all comes from above
Uphold a faith that's strong Accept it all with love
They still see sunshine in the rain
Plant a seed on parched terrain
For they trust in heart & mind that no tear is shed in vain
And beyond the stormy skies
Is a hope that never dies
What of you and I?
Can we achieve the same
Who whisper heartfelt prayers we will never hear
We are not witness to a private pain
That no words can convey no language can explain
No we cannot understand
Our hearts can't feel our minds can't comprehend
Only stirred to show respect
For the purest form of faith they possess
They still see sunshine in the rain
Plant a seed on parched terrain
For they trust in heart & mind that no tear is shed in vain
And beyond the stormy skies
Is a hope that never dies
What of you and I?
Can we achieve the same
There are among us those with enpty arms
Who long to fill the void with the wondrous charms
Of a child, a life to have and hold
To love and cherish dear to watch its' world unfold
No we cannot understand
Our hearts can't feel our minds can't comprehend
Only stirred to show respect
For the purest form of faith they possess
They still see sunshine in the rain
Plant a seed on parched terrain
For they trust in heart & mind that no tear is shed in vain
And beyond the stormy skies
Is a hope that never dies
What of you and I?
Can we achieve the same
Every person has to whether his or her own storm
No one is spared though it can take on many forms
Yet do we recognize it all comes from above
Uphold a faith that's strong Accept it all with love
They still see sunshine in the rain
Plant a seed on parched terrain
For they trust in heart & mind that no tear is shed in vain
And beyond the stormy skies
Is a hope that never dies
What of you and I?
Can we achieve the same
עוד באתר:
''קופץ מקפיץ ומוקפץ'' נתנאל לייפר על ''אחד יחיד ומיוחד'' של אוהד מושקוביץ
נתנאל לייפר על אלבומו החדש הנמרץ והתוסס של אוהד מושקוביץ "אחד יחיד ומיוחד"
ממשיך לטפס
נתנאל לייפר בביקורת על אלבומו החדש של גדול הזמר החסידי אברהם פריד "רצוננו לראות את מלכנו"
סוף סוף יצא אל העולם.. נתנאל לייפר על ''לצאת אל העולם'' של אביחי פז גרינוולד
נתנאל לייפר על אלבומו החדש והמעניין של אביחי פז גרינוולד לצאת אל העולם שיצא השבוע אל החנויות
אין לי אלא רגש...
לפני כשלשה חודשים הגיע לחניות המוזיקה אלבומו החדש של ברוך לוין - "בנים אתם". לפניכם סקירה קצרה על האלבום ממבקר המוזיקה איתי סיטבון.